It’s Come To This: Baby Doll Is Pregnant

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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So you’re looking at the above doll and hopefully have some kind of frown on. What on earth is this? Well, it’s a doll alright, but fortunately it’s not going to be in any store. It’s the art of one Darren Cullen, and will be on display at the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art in Sunderland, UK, from the 26 October – 12 January 2013 as part of a group show called “Moral Holiday.” So the next question is “WHY??!” Well, some media have speculated that the doll represents a comment Darren is making on TV shows exploiting teen pregnancies, or even about those shows glamorizing infant sexuality, like Toddlers & Tiaras. And to be honest, it very well could symbolize any of those things. However Darren himself has gone on record with his own explanation: “It’s about the way these toys intrinsically train girls to have and care for children while they are still only children themselves.” Oh, ok, Darren is making a comment on gender characterization and heteronormative socialization. Or, in other words, that dolls are BS in the first place. We get it. It’s just that, well, it’s still pretty creepy. But hey, that’s good art we suppose…

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