Jack In The Box Lets You Order Without Actually Talking To Anyone

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Chris Scott Barr

I’m one of those strange people that will generally do their best to avoid dealing with people when I’m shopping. At the grocery store I always use the self-checkout, since it’s usually much faster. Unfortunately most other stores have cashiers to ring up your purchases, the same goes for restaurants. Thankfully Jack In The Box is doing their part to cut out the middle-man.

Seen to the right is an awesome little kiosk that lets you order your food without the need to deal with some teenager that really doesn’t want to be there in the first place. Sure, eventually these might start taking the jobs of a couple workers, but I doubt they’ll ever really do away with the cashiers altogether. It is, however, nice to see more places offering their customers a choice on how to order their food.

VIA [ Consumerist ]

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