Jellephish Lamp Could Also Be Passed Off As A Cooler Mushroom Cloud Lamp

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Joel Williams Avatar


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Jellephish Lamp (Image courtesy Andrew Liszewski seems to cater to the demographic of geeks with considerable amounts of disposable income. So while this Jellephish Lamp actually looks kind of cool, I think they’d sell a lot more if they tried to pass it off as a Mushroom Cloud Lamp instead. But who am I kidding? The fact that this lamp includes a wireless remote is enough to convince every cube dweller they must own one.

Under the dome on top you’ll find a set of LED lights that can actually be cycled through “an almost infinite palette of seductive colors…” to set the right mood. While I doubt there are more than a handful of people who find LED lighting seductive, I’m sure there are plenty who will be fascinated by the transparent acrylic base that lights up alongside the dome. has it for about $156.

[ Jellephish Lamp ] VIA [ Cribcandy ]

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