Jelly App: Don’t Ask Google, Ask Your Friends Instead

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


Key Takeaways

Jelly App


There are some questions that Google can’t provide the answers to–and for those questions, there’s Jelly. It’s an app that makes asking questions and getting answers more social, because it allows users to ask family and friends for answers instead. It’s best for questions that are framed with an accompanying image, as the app allows users to point, shoot, and ask about whatever it is they’re looking at.

In case the person you’ve asked is just as clueless as you, then he or she can forward the question to another friend who might have the answers.

Introducing Jelly from Jelly Industries, Inc. on Vimeo.

Jelly was created by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone and Ben Finkel. You can download the app from Google Play or iTunes.

VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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