Jenda Lifetime Voice Calendar, Aka The Electronic Nagger

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Jenda Lifetime Voice Calendar (Image courtesy SkyMall)
By Andrew Liszewski

Sometimes nagging is the real secret to getting things done, by others, but if you’ve got a hectic household with family members coming and going at all hours, it’s touch to be an effective nagger. But that’s where the Jenda Lifetime Voice Calendar comes in. For just $39.99 from SkyMall you can pick up this handy assistant which attaches to your fridge and allows you to record voice memos of what needs to get done on any given day of the year.

Just hit the appropriate month button followed by the day, and record your message. After that, hitting the ‘Today’ button will provide a rundown of the day’s chores, events and reminders. There’s also a to-do list button for recording things like grocery lists, though I doubt you’ll want to be carrying this massive thing (10″ x 12″) around with you at the grocery store.

[ Jenda Lifetime Voice Calendar ] VIA [ Coolest Gadgets ]

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