By Andrew Liszewski
While adequate for entering URLs, passwords and the occasional search criteria, at a recent press event I discovered the iPad’s on-screen keyboard is quite terrible for any kind of serious note taking. Thankfully I had Apple’s own wireless keyboard to fall back on, which worked like a charm, but admittedly it’s maybe not as small as it could be. I have no trouble squeezing it and the iPad into slots previously occupied by my laptop, but I can understand that others might prefer a more compact solution.
And that’s basically what the Jorno wireless keyboard offers. Not only are the keys about 15% smaller than standard keys, still allowing for touch typing, but the whole thing folds down to a pocket-friendly pseudo-cube. To be perfectly honest it’s not really that much different than the folding keyboards offered years ago for devices like the iPaq and Palms, except for Bluetooth connectivity which lets you ditch the included docking cradle for that last extra ounce of portability. It’s not available yet though, and the “most likely in early 2011” statement on their website doesn’t fill me with much confidence, but you can pre-order one now for just $79, $20 cheaper than the regular price of $99 which comes into effect on December 25. Wow, bah-humbug!