K2 Porcupine Flashlight Can Blind In Different Ways

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K2 Porcupine Light (Images courtesy PentagonLight)
By Andrew Liszewski

If the 70 lumens produced by the K2 Porcupine’s Xenon bulb don’t blind an opponent or attacker, you can always fall back on its sharpened spikes to get the job done. Unlike those multiple D-cell Mag-Lite flashlights that require you to bludgeon someone into submission, the Porcupine takes a cue from the actual animal when it comes to self-defense. Thankfully those spikes are protected by a retractable shield so that you can carry the flashlight in your pocket or bag without having to worry about losing a finger when you reach for it.

The K2 Porcupine is available from PentagonLight for $129, but keep in mind it uses CR-123A batteries which aren’t particularly common and they’ll only power it for about 60 minutes.

[ K2 Porcupine Light ] VIA [ Wired Gadget Lab ]

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