KangaTek Bandolier Bag Lets You Carry Your Crap Chewbacca Style

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KangaTek Bandolier (Image courtey KangaTek)
By Andrew Liszewski

If messenger bags, backpacks, purses, fanny packs, cargo pants, vests or pack mules aren’t your thing, but you’ve been desperately trying to find a way to carry all the crap you can’t leave your house without, why not consider a bandolier! I mean if they’re good enough for a Wookie they have to be good enough for a human right? The KangaTek’s got four zippered pockets so stuff doesn’t fall out when you’re fleeing imperial stormtroopers, and the neoprene material is water resistant should you find yourself trapped in a trash compactor. Available from the company’s website for just $39.99 in your choice of four different colors.

[ KangaTek Bandolier ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

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