Kettquad Pedal-Powered ATV

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Kettquad Pedal-Powered ATV (Image courtesy Kettler)
By Andrew Liszewski

Thanks to a German company called Kettler, kids will never have to endure the inevitable crashes and injuries resulting from learning to ride a two-wheeled bicycle again. Besides having four wheels which means you don’t have to worry about balancing, the Kettquad features pneumatic tires for tackling off-road terrain, a protected enclosed chain drive, no-shift reverse, disk brakes and it will be available in the U.S. sometime this year. Who cares if it will cost over $800 and is only designed for kids aged 5-12? That’s not stopping me from ordering one.

And if you’re still not sold on it, check out the trailer below which not only clearly illustrates how awesomely extreme the Kettquad is, but also has a Metroid-esque shocking reveal at the end!

[ Kettler Kettquad ] VIA [ CrunchGear ]

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