Keurig Teams Up With Campbell To Launch K-Pod Soup

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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Did you ever say to yourself “Gee, I really wish I could make a soup as easily as I make my morning coffee!” No? Neither have we, but the good folks at Keurig and Campbell are undeterred anyway. They’re announced the launch of Campbell’s Fresh-Brewed Soup, which is probably as delicious as it sounds (note sarcasm). Basically the noodles and the broth come separate: you pop the noodles in a bowl, place the pod in your Keurig machine and let the hot broth cover the noodles. After two minutes your soup is good to go. Initially you’ll be able to choose from Homestyle Chicken Broth & Noodle Mix, and Southwest Style Chicken Broth & Noodle Mix. These are pretty basic flavours, and that’s just as well since we can’t imagine how something more creamy or thick might taste. We also don’t know if your coffee will end up with a bit of a poultry aftertaste after brewing your soup, or if your soup will have coffee undertones, but that’s for you to find out. The company does recommend running a hot water cycle before and after the soup-making, so that might help. It’s $12 for an 8-pack.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ SlashGear ]

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