Kinderlite (Image courtesy Reed Exhibitions)By Andrew Liszewski

I don’t get out camping as much as I used to, but one of the skills I at least mastered as a kid was how to build and start a fire. (Because when you’re a kid, when else are you allowed to play with fire?) However the Kinderlite disposable campfire seems designed for those who probably wouldn’t last much longer than a weekend in the great outdoors.

From what I can tell it uses a hanging cardboard container that probably contains a fuel source as well as kindling-type material, as well as a wooden frame with pre-drilled holes that makes it easy to create a teepee structure from gathered twigs. It was designed by Philip John Luscombe from Northumbria University and while it looks like a ridiculously easy way to get a fire started, you’ll probably want to be throwing some bigger logs on there once it gets going if you want it to burn for longer than 20 minutes.

[ Kinderlite Disposable Campfire ] VIA [ Cribcandy ]


  1. Quick question.
    Would filling the box with gunpower/dynamite/powerfullexplosive qualify as a possible method of promoting survival of the fittest.
    You know. By editing the gene pool a bit.

    It’s not that f*!@ing hard to start a fire!