Kirlian High Voltage Contact Print Photography Device

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Kirlian High Voltage Contact Print Photography Device (Images courtesy Images SI)
By Andrew Liszewski

If you’re looking for a new way to justify that $1,000+ DSLR you just bought, and have run out of objects to stick in front of your macro lens, you might want to give Kirlian photography a shot. It uses high voltage applied to everyday objects to create unique exposures of the corona discharge, and thanks to this $295 Kirlian Imaging Device you don’t need a mad scientist-esque laboratory to make them!

Now normally an exposure is created by placing a piece of sheet film on the metal discharge plate, but since you probably bought your DSLR so you wouldn’t have to get film developed anymore, there’s also an optional $129.95 transparent discharge plate that allows you to take photographs using your digital camera. The whole setup looks reasonably safe, though it’s cautioned that you’ll need to deal with a ground wire if you’re photographing inanimate objects, which leads me to wonder what living creatures this could actually be used with.

[ Kirlian High Voltage Imaging Device ] VIA [ Random Good Stuff ]

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