Kittyo Lets You Creep On Your Cat From The Comfort Of The Interwebs

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


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Do you feel heartbroken when you leave your home because your cat has to stay behind with no one to play with? Kittyo would like to come to your rescue, allowing you not only to see your feline friend from afar, but to play with him, record videos of him, and even dispense treats. Once hooked up to your WiFi, Kittyo can be controlled through a smartphone app. Some of its features include having the ability to make a chiming noise to attract kitty; being able to project a laser pointer that you move around, to entertain your pet; committing your cat’s shenanigans to video so you can bore your friends with a YouTube upload. There’s even a speaker so that you can delude yourself into thinking your kitty knows your voice and can recognize it.

Currently doing the Kickstarter rounds, it’s more than smashed its funding goal and should be seeing the production line soon. Delivery is slated for November of this year, in time for the Holidays. A $120 pledge will get you yours, while Kittyo is expected to cost $180 retail.





[ Project Page ] VIA [ Techcrunch ]

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