So… whatever regulars that are still around might have noticed: content is thin these days. The reasons for this are long and potentially boring, but maybe one day I’ll write my memoirs and delight you guys on the best way to run a website into the ground. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a little fight left in me, and I’ve decided it’s time to hire someone to write for OhGizmo! again.
It won’t pay much, but you’ll be read by a quarter million readers monthly. There’s a contact form right here (and up on the nav bar too, if you bother to look), where you can submit your candidacy, and I’ll be reviewing applications. You need to be able to write well and be interested in tech; I’m assuming if you’re reading this in the first place you already have part 2 nailed down. Past writers have gone on to become fully employed writers at legit professional publications, like Gizmodo and IEEE, so who knows where you might end up. Either bored or a millionaire… or somewhere in between.
We’ll discuss compensation when you apply, but don’t expect to buy a yacht with this money. But hey, if you’re finding yourself browsing the web all day and occasionally think “Geez, this OhGizmo! site sure could use some of my talent.”, then why not try it out and make a few bucks in the process?