By Andrew Liszewski
Like many people I’ve got friends all over the world that I talk to on a regular basis but sometimes I’m afraid to call or message them because I have no idea what time of the day it is where they live. So I could definitely use something like the Knowhere Cosmos Clock which is designed as a quick and easy way to figure out what time it is in different cities all over the world.
The clock face has the 24 hours of the day mapped out around the edge with midnight being at the 12 position and noon being at the 6 position. The hands of the clock each graphically represent 8 major cities around the world through the use of famous landmarks. (Including Paris, New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Shanghai, Tokyo and London.) Each silhouetted landmark points to the current time in the city they represent ensuring you’ll never get someone out of bed again by accidentally calling them at 3 in the morning.
The Knowhere Cosmos Clock is available from Generate for $79.
[ Knowhere Cosmos Clock ] VIA [ Popgadget ]