Krispy Kreme Grass Flip Flops… I Have No Idea What’s Going On Here

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Krispy Kreme Grass Flip Flops (Image courtesy Krispy Kreme)
By Andrew Liszewski

I’m still trying to figure out if this PR stunt by Krispy Kreme is nothing more than a sight-gag, or an actual giveaway. According to the company’s ‘research’, they found that 3/4 of UK workers felt stressed on a daily basis, but taking a walk in the park was enough to make them feel instantly relaxed. So as a compromise, Krispy Kreme starting giving out these unique sandals to London commuters, which bring a grassy park to their offices.

Krispy Kreme questioned over 1,000 UK workers and found that over half (53 per cent) of urbanites believe their stress levels are affected by a lack of contact with Mother Nature. In response to the problem Krispy Kreme has created the world’s first grass flip-flops to bring summer magic to the city – giving stressed out workers a (literal) spring in their step by creating an instant grassy park underneath their feet regardless of their urban location.

The al fresco flip-flops take up to three weeks to grow and each shoe is covered with over 5,000 blades of grass. If watered regularly the unique footwear can remain in season for over four months – meaning they are the perfect, head-turning summer-accessory for stressed-out men and women.

So, have any OhGizmo! readers in London actually seen or received a pair of these sandals? I don’t really care if they turn out to be nothing more than a gag, since in my eyes Krispy Kreme can do no wrong, but I am curious.

[ World’s First (Living) Grass Flip Flops ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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