By Evan Ackerman
Last week on BotJunkie, we fired things up with a little dragon robot that finds fires and puffs them out, wished we lived in Japan so that we could buy ourselves a $4200 exoskeleton that boosts your strength 10x, watched an adorable video about strangers helping little cardboard robots on the streets of New York, found that coffee tastes better when served on an R2-D2 coffee table, saw a prototype stair climbing robot from iRobot, watch a robot that communicates with just a pair of eyes, read an interview with iRobot founder Colin Angle where he discusses the future of military and home robotics, decided we’d better stay away from a sniper rifle mounted on a robot helicopter, learned what happened to a PackBot named Scooby Doo in Iraq, saw some awesome little “Sprawl” bots from Stanford, and finished up the week with a video of BigDog frolicking on a beach in Thailand.
This week, we’ve already started out with a giant robot beetle, got some information on the new Mech Warfare division at RoboGames, liked a little crab robot kit, and got introduced to a SquishBot concept from iRobot as well as a Robosnail from MIT.
Last week’s Bot With Stuff, after the jump.
[ BotJunkie ]