We’re Launching A Store! (And Giving Stuff Away)

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Hey guys, I wanted to let you all know that we’ve partnered with StackSocial to give you guys an OhGizmo-branded store. That’s right, you can now not only find out about quirky and innovative gadgets on our front page daily, you can also jump straight to shopping for exclusive deals on trending gadgets, consumer tech, software, and e-learning every day. The store is right here!

We’re proud to partner up with Stack Social, who also work with some juggernauts like Gizmodo, The Verge, and Mashable. This way you guys know you’re in good hands and all your transactions are safe. And to get things started, we’re also having a giveaway! Read on for the deets on this entire venture.

Some of you may remember our Deal Of The Day column. While that’s over, I still feel like there was value there for many of you, and I’m hoping to set things up with a similar format. That means I’ll be writing about one deal daily, though I promise these will actually be exciting (unlike the previous ones). Have any of you seen their Mac Bundles?! You’re free to wait for the articles, or go and shop anytime! At the same time, I’m hoping to improve on the old format by asking for your feedback. I’ll regularly be quizzing you on what you want to see more of, what products interest you, and what I could we be doing to make this better for you.

Finally, as promised, there’s a giveaway. To get things started on the right foot, StackSocial and OhGizmo! are giving away a Doxie Go (a portable scanner), a SOUNDFREAQ Sound Step (a cool Bluetooth speaker dock), and an Ouya console (an open source gaming console). That’s a $400 value, and you can enter to win right here!. You’ll find all the details there, and it’s super easy to enter.

So that’s it, that’s the big news. Now’s as good a time as any to let the team know what you think. I’m going to try to be careful and not overwhelm you with too many deals, and we’ll try to fine tune the experience as we go, based on your feedback. But I do think this is going to add value to the site, and I feel like you guys will dig it. Let me know if I’m wrong!

[ Go here for the STORE ]
[ Go here to enter the GIVEAWAY ]

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