LED Light Up Shoelaces

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LED Light Up Shoelaces (Image courtesy Lite Bright Raves)

LED Light Up Shoelaces (Image courtesy Lite Bright Raves)By Andrew Liszewski

Can’t wait or don’t think you’ll be able to afford those awesome Adidas’ TRON: Legacy sneaks we brought you a while back? Well here’s a low-rent alternative that admittedly has its own charm.

Thanks to the magic of fiber-optics and the not-so-magic of cheap LED lights, you can now swap out the non-illuminated laces on your shoes with these rave-friendly versions that come in red, orange, green or blue. At just $9.95 they fall perfectly into the guilt-free ‘novelty purchase’ category and the only downside I can find is the overly cumbersome battery pack/LED light source you can see attached to the top of the tongue on each shoe.

[ LED Light Up Shoelaces ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

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