LED Tetris Tie: Play While You Work

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


Key Takeaways

Tetris is an awesome game for stress relief. There’s just something therapeutic about piling various shapes one on top of the other, leaving no empty spaces in between. And now you can play it on your necktie! This fun, interactive tie was thought up by Bill Porter after a long day of teaching at the FSU STEM Camp. Apparently, the kids had been asking him what ‘outrageously cool’ thing he was going to wear for the last day, and, not wanting to disappoint them, he came up with this.

This is the updated tie that runs on an Arduino Pro mini. The batteries and all the electronic stuff are built into the tie, making it neater than its predecessors.

The tie Bill wore and showed off to the kids was made from two pieces of card stock placed in between and taped to a clip-on, but the kids loved it nonetheless. Way to go, Bill!

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

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