LEGO Brick Ring Is Quirky, Not Altogether Useful

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


It’s not that rings should be useful or anything; they’re adornments after all. But since the 2011-old LEGO Brick Ring does come with two LEGO-sized protrusions you’re going to be tempted to attach LEGO pieces to it. And that’s when you start “using” the ring, only there isn’t much you can actually do with it other than to perch bricks and Minifigs on it, to your heart’s content. That’s enough to sell us on it though, especially given the reasonable $41 price tag for a piece described as “bronze-infused stainless steel with visible print lines and a rough feel.” To be honest, it looks really nice and the pictures don’t do it justice, so hit the jump for a video to get a better idea what it looks like.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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