By Andrew Liszewski
Hey LG Korea. You might fool the hipsters, but you’re not fooling me. I know that ‘retro’ is just another term for ‘horribly outdated’ so I’m not going to run out and buy this Retro TV you’re hawking. It’s a clever move though. Finding a way to empty your warehouses of antiquated CRT components without resorting to dumping them in a nearby river. And you’ll probably sell quite a few of these too, with their matching old-timey tuner knobs, rabbit ear antennas and settings for full-color, black and white and even sepia effects. But I’ve already claimed the space freed up by switching to LCD TVs and monitors, and I’m not giving it back!
I’ve no idea how much they’re asking for them, but given they’ve only got a 14-inch display I’m assuming not much. And while they’re digital ready, since they’re listed on the LG Korea website they may not actually work here in North America.
[ LG Retro TV ] VIA [ The Fancy ]