Lifetimer – How Long Has It Been?

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Lifetimer (Image courtesy I Want One Of Those)By Andrew Liszewski

For those who’ve ever wondered where the time has gone the Lifetimer doesn’t exactly have the answer you’re looking for, but it will keep track of the exact days, hours, minutes and seconds that have seemingly gone missing. Basically it’s a clock with 10 separate count-down or count-up timers that can be used to track how long it’ll be until a particular event or how long it’s been since.

A ring of buttons around the clock face serves as shortcuts to various events and will bring up the countdown timer for things like your birthday, Christmas, the weekend and even shorter ones like your next coffee break or the end of the work day. Similarly the count-up feature can be used to keep track of how long it’s been since a particular event started like how long you’ve been at that new job or how long you’ve been waiting in line for that Wii.

Given it’s really just a novelty clock the Lifetimer is relatively cheap and is available from ‘I Want One Of Those’ for about $30.

[ Lifetimer ] VIA [ Cribcandy ]

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