Lily The Drone Hits The Sweetspot Between Approachability And Professionalism

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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The world of drones is generally populated with two types: the cheap drones with either no camera or cheap cameras, which are more akin to toys and would never be considered by a professional photographer. And the fancy rigs that cost thousands and require you to attach your own expensive cameras on them. Lily falls somewhere in between. It’s a self-flying drone that comes with its own camera capable of shooting 1080p video at 60FPS, and 720p slow motion at 120FPS. But the real magic happens in how hands-off Lily is: you simply attach a wrist-worn wireless tracking beacon which the drone then just follows, or leads, or circles, depending on your wishes. Capturing cinematic shots, or exciting action shots has never been easier. Lily is waterproof, so even if it lands in a lake, you haven’t just fried it. Lily starts by being tossed up in the air, and will keep going for up to 20 minutes on a 2h charge. Lily is awesome, just watch the video below if you aren’t convinced.

It’s very similar to the Airdog we wrote about last year, only Lily is a $499 pledge at the moment, with full retail expected to be twice that. This is considerably less than AirDog, and to be honest, Lily is much, much cuter.

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