Video Game Golden Books

If you grew up reading Little Golden Books, then you’ll instantly be able to tell that these modded covers by Joey Spiotto are unlike the regular books that you read back then. These titles don’t exist, because they were all rendered by Joey, who drew inspiration from various video games and, of course, the classical covers of Little Golden Books.

Joey first came up with these covers a few months ago. His most recent series includes book covers inspired by Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption and Half-Life. Hit the break to check out the other two.

Video Game Golden Books1

Video Game Golden Books2

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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One thing Hazel loves more than geeky stuff is writing about their awesomeness. She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering but has always wanted to be a writer. As luck and a whole lot of work would have it, Hazel got her cake and is eating it, too: sifting through endless paperwork during the day while blogging for various tech and gadgetry blogs during the night. She also established her own gadgetry blog recently, which you can check out at