By Andrew Liszewski
Hooray! October 1st is finally here which means I can open the floodgates on crappy Halloween-themed gadgets for the 2nd best holiday of the year! Even though these days I don’t hand out candy, decorate, dress up or even go to costume parties, fond memories from my childhood coupled with giant boxes of miniature chocolate bars available at every store easily make this the best time of the year- second only to Christmas.
So let’s get things started with an old favorite that’s gotten a spooky Halloween makeover. This Vampire Bat Hunt game is really no different than the interactive Duck Hunter we first brought you a couple of years ago at CES. Except that while some people might find ducks cute and think twice about shooting one down, no one’s going to hesitate when it comes to blasting this vampire bat out of the sky since they’ve gone to great lengths to make it as evil looking as possible. I mean it almost looks like a flying Gremlin! The gameplay and mechanics are pretty much the same as Duck Hunter too, requiring 3 direct hits from the infrared gun (which also doubles as the charger) to knock it out of the sky, and then presumably you’ll just need to stab a wooden stake through its heart to finish it off. ~$30 from Hammacher Schlemmer.