Livescribe 8GB Echo Smartpen - Limited Edition (Images courtesy Livescribe)
By Andrew Liszewski

The 80’s was known for countless fads, but as a gadget-obsessed young’n I particularly enjoyed when electronics manufacturers created special versions of their products with clear housings. Getting a rare glimpse of their inner workings made everything from TVs to calculators even more fascinating to me, but like most fads, the novelty eventually wore off. But it’s not dead yet! Livescribe has just released a Limited Edition version of their 8GB Echo Smartpen that features a crystal clear housing, embracing a time when the most advanced piece of writing technology was erasable pens.

Feature-wise the clear version of the Echo is exactly the same as the standard version, with the ability to capture hand-written notes and up to 800 hours of corresponding audio simultaneously. Including the price, which is also $199.95.

[ Livescribe Echo Smartpen – Limited Edition ] VIA [ Gear Diary ]