Logitech Announces New Lapboard With Retractable Mouse Pad

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By Chris Scott Barr

Laptops are awesome, but they do have their drawbacks. My biggest issue is that I like to use a mouse, rather than the trackpad after a while. Sure, it’s fine for a bit, but a mouse is just so much easier and more comfortable to use. That’s why Logitech has announced a new product that will help in this area.

N315_angle_mouse pad out

This anti-slip laptop board keeps your computer firmly in place and has a slide-out mousing surface. Now you can surf the web on your couch with a mouse. Sure, you could try using the cushion as a mousepad, but it doesn’t always work so well. Since the mousing surface retracts into the lapboard, it doesn’t actually add any extra bulk, making it easily stored. Look for this later in the month for $29.99.

VIA [ Logitech ]

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