By Andrew Liszewski
It’s widely believed that playing music for your baby while it’s still in the womb will help improve their visual, auditory, language and motor development skills when they’re born. And that’s what inspired the creation of the Lullabelly. It’s a large belt that can be worn over clothes, or directly against the belly, which features a built-in speaker that can be connected to an MP3 player making it easier to play music directly at your baby. There’s a volume control dial so things don’t get too loud as well as a pocket for holding your player, and the whole thing is machine washable, after you take out the easy-to-remove speaker of course. It’s available in 3 different fabric patterns (pink, green or blue polka dots) directly from the Lullabelly website for $55.
[ Lullabelly Prenatal Music Belt ] VIA [ Chip Chick ]