That’s sort of the point of a MacGuyver Toolkit though, isn’t it? Of course this one isn’t called “MacGuyver Toolkit” for trademark reasons, but calling a little tin box containing seemingly unrelated and potentially useless things an ‘Action Hero Toolkit’ isn’t fooling anyone. You’ll probably spend more time trying to figure out how to use the items than doing anything useful with them, but that’s half the fun in this. So what does $10 buy you?
Bobby Pin – Pick locks or keep your mullet funky fresh with this heroic hair product.
Strike-Anywhere Match – Seven second campfire.
Rubber Band – Bazinga!
Bubble Gum – Not just for chewing.
Birthday Candle – Suitable for a “Happy Birthday MacGyver” cupcake. Or slow burning fuse.
Paper Clip – TPS reports should be stapled. Bombs should be defused with a paper clip.
Shoelace – Makeshift handcuffs. Makeshift shoe binder.
1¢ Stamp – Cover your laptop webcam to protect yourself from the NSA. Or send a postcard in 1873.
Duct Tape – Exactly as strong as MacGyver’s jawline.
[ Product Page ] VIA [ Uncrate ]