Magnetic Air Car Concept (Image courtesy Magnetic Air Cars Inc.)
By Andrew Liszewski

I’m not opposed to the idea of a brilliant innovation in science or technology coming from a small company instead of a large corporation or research facility. But when someone claims to have created a car that can go 100mph with an unlimited range thanks to their company’s “secret sauce” and “software glue”, I can’t help but be skeptical. And based on this PDF flyer, that’s exactly what Silicon Valley based Magnetic Air Cars Inc. seems to be claiming. Here’s how their “relatively simple” process works:

A battery starts a magnetic motor… which in turn drives a small but powerful on-board air compressor. The air flow is then tubocharged and multiplied to where the resulting horse-pressure™ smoothly powers the car to incredible speeds… without ever getting hot and without ever having to be stopped for external recharging or refueling. And automobiles are just the beginning.

And while electric cars like General Motor’s Volt rely on a hefty sized bank of batteries, the Magnetic Air Car will apparently use a specially designed battery that’s about as big as a regular car battery, but with 3 times the charging capacity, a considerably longer shelf life, and a price tag of less than $70. All I can say is good luck with that.

[ Magnetic Air Cars ] VIA [ The Red Ferret Journal ]


  1. In our house and garage, we obey the laws of physics and thermodynamics.
    ….so we're calling this the 'brochure to scam investors'.
    Moller and his 'flying car' that never flew was a prime example, but he has been able to scam investors out of millions of dollars for over 30 years now.

    Hide your checkbook!!!

  2. While some of the science-esqe verbiage that brochure is throwing around sounds suspicious, the concept of a compressed-air-powered car is entirely reasonable; I know that some working prototypes have been made, and the idea is often offered as an alternative to battery-driven electric motors. The part I'm worried about is the assertion that the car never has to be stopped for external recharging or refueling: three times the capacity of a car battery is still only three car batteries worth of charge, and that will only get you so much compressed air before you need to recharge the battery. And no, you can't use the alternator to recharge the battery, because, as a previous poster mentioned, we obey the laws of thermodynamics in this garage. So, in short: legit idea, scary brochure.

  3. The only way I can see this working is if they figured out a way to charge the system with minimal battery exhaustion. Battery replacement is $70 so could it be that you use up a battery in a month or 2 and then install a new one? Your old battery gets recycled and the whole thing goes in a circle.

  4. Well it does sound crazy.
    I know that lead acid batteries paired up with super capacitors are planned to be produced next year which improve their capacity by 50% and improve the life span to that of a NiMH battery, but are a quarter of the price. But 50% isn't exactly 3 times!

    It sounds similar to the power your car on water scams.

    The compressed air car is real and it is French. But there is little magic, compressed air being an energy carrier like hydrogen.

  5. Thee guys appear to be proposing perpetual motion, if so the real question is “how did this get this far?”. What morons are going to fall for that?

    We're not talking about shelling out a few bucks for an ebook, or even a couple of hundred for a bogus Brown's gas generator.

    We're talking about trying to attract investors with serious cash.

    At what point does the Security and Exchange Commision or someone like that get involved?

  6. I tryed emailing them at the given adress, but it doesnt exist.

    Ad Astra: I try and obey the laws of thermodynamics as well, being a good citezen and all. Maybe in France or America they arent enforced like they are in England…

  7. what exactly is “unlimited” or “nt obeying lowas of physics”? Descroptions seems to me as perverted way to describe an electro-car with pneumatic-translation.
    you stil have to charge the battery – s whats the big deal?

    the battery might be interesting, but “air”? come on >_< !

  8. what exactly is “unlimited” or “nt obeying lowas of physics”? Descroptions seems to me as perverted way to describe an electro-car with pneumatic-translation.
    you stil have to charge the battery – s whats the big deal?

    the battery might be interesting, but “air”? come on >_< !

  9. Hello. I think that the battery will be large and heavy. Instead of using a heavy battery why don't you use any kind of catalyst? I think using NOS would be the best thing because they are ready. Just make them last long.

  10. Hello. I think that the battery will be large and heavy. Instead of using a heavy battery why don't you use any kind of catalyst? I think using NOS would be the best thing because they are ready. Just make them last long.

  11. Hello. I think that the battery will be large and heavy. Instead of using a heavy battery why don't you use any kind of catalyst? I think using NOS would be the best thing because they are ready. Just make them last long.

  12. Hello. I think that the battery will be large and heavy. Instead of using a heavy battery why don't you use any kind of catalyst? I think using NOS would be the best thing because they are ready. Just make them last long.

  13. Hello. I think that the battery will be large and heavy. Instead of using a heavy battery why don't you use any kind of catalyst? I think using NOS would be the best thing because they are ready. Just make them last long.

  14. Hello. I think that the battery will be large and heavy. Instead of using a heavy battery why don't you use any kind of catalyst? I think using NOS would be the best thing because they are ready. Just make them last long.