The main reason I haven’t bought a 3D printer is that I suspect that once that initial “gee-whiz, I can print objects” phase has passed, I’ll be hard pressed to find useful things to actually print. But projects like Thingiverse member Isolt’s Photon Printer, a Micro Laser Engraver, make me realize there are plenty of people working to provide us with things to do with these fancy printers. In this case, you’re looking at a little device that uses repurposed DVD drives as well as 3D printed parts to create a laser engraver, capable of, well, engraving anything you want on a variety of surfaces. It’s not a project for beginners, but if you’re got some time on your hands and know your way around electronics, you should be able to pull it off.
[ Thingiverse Page ] AND [ Instructables Step by Step ] VIA [ Technabob ]