By Andrew Liszewski
I actually rather enjoy those spherical mazes that have become popular as of late. But once you successfully solve them by navigating the metal ball through the twists, turns and other obstacles, there’s not a lot of replay value left. Unless you manage to turn it into a competition with other people. Like the Maze Racer does.
While the course isn’t fully 3D like the ones that snake their way around the inside of those plastic spheres, it still measures over 3.28 feet long (1 meter+) with plenty of obstacles to pose a suitable challenge. But completing the maze is less about the feeling of accomplishment, and more about beating the clock since the Maze Racer’s got an electronic timer built in. Now hopefully the timer is somehow integrated in a way so that it automatically stops and starts the clock when the ball leaves the starting point/ends up at the finish line. Because when you’re trying to beat a friend’s time, every last second counts. Available from Firebox for ~$24. (£14.99)
[ Maze Racer ] VIA [ Coolest Gadgets ]