M++Card Holds More Than Your Ordinary Business Card

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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USB card

By Luke Anderson

Business cards are boring. Sure, you can slap a cool logo on them or even have them cut in a cool shape, but at the end of the day it’s just a boring piece of paper. That is unless you have a M++Card which features a built-in flash drive.

Before you get all excited, it’s not quite as good as it sounds. Under no circumstances would I ever walk around with a pocket full of funny USB adapters to hand out along with my business card. Even if I were to do so, I doubt many people would really take the time to bother fiddling with the extra piece, if they haven’t lost it by the time they make their way to a computer. It’s a good idea, but the concept still needs a little rethinking.

[ Coroflot ] VIA [ UberReview ]

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