Mega Man Arm Cannon Pillow And Helmet Set

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Do you miss Mega Man? Really, really miss it? Do you miss it enough to be seen napping on a pillow that fits over your arm, like the wee protagonists’ main weapon? Because if you roll that way, there’s this here set for you that not only comes with the Arm Cannon pillow, but a matching helmet. This will definitely tell all your friends just how much of a baller you are… Or maybe just how hardcore a geek you are and that you’re the sort of individual whose company should probably be avoided since you’re likely to start re-enacting scenes from the game at any moment. Do you care? No, of course you don’t. Get new friends!

And this, get this. It’s $61.

[ Product Page (translated) ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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