The economy may not be in the tank as it was a couple years ago, but let’s face it, it’s not booming either. Every penny counts and one area where you can make a big difference is in energy efficiency. The appliances and electronic devices that are in your home all consume power, sometimes even when they’re not on. MeterPlug is a simple box that sits between your device and the AC outlet, and monitors the power flowing through. It then communicates information this to a smartphone through its Bluetooth chip. To take things further, it uses GPS data to figure out how much power costs in your particular neighborhood, and is able to give you a running cost as opposed to raw power data. This makes it dead simple to know who’s the worst culprit in those outrageous power bills. But that’s not all. Not only does MeterPlug inform you, it helps you solve the issue as well by cutting off power to any appliance you want, either manually through the press of a button on your smartphone, or automatically after setting up a few rules. It’s smart, but at $50 per plug ($85 for 2 as an early bird price) it is a bit costly. Granted, it could end up paying for itself after a while, so it might still be worth a look. The IndieGogo campaign is almost fully funded, with potential delivery slated for April 2013.
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