Micro Mixer DJ-4

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Micro Mixer DJ-4 (Images courtesy GeekStuff4U)
By Andrew Liszewski

If those professional DJ mixers from Vestax or Stanton seem too complicated for you what with all those knobs and sliders, you might want to look into the Micro Mixer DJ-4. It’s a simple stainless steel box that has just two volume knobs for controlling the mix between two devices. Whether it be a couple of iPods, a NintendoDS or anything you connect to the 3.5mm stereo mini jacks on the back.

The output is also a 3.5mm mini jack, which isn’t exactly the best choice if you’re connecting it to a large sound system, but at least the Micro Mixer doesn’t require an external power source or even batteries.

You can find it at GeekStuff4U for $133.35, which means that someone, somewhere is pocketing $130 of pure profit.

[ Micro Mixer DJ-4 ] VIA [ Switched On Set ]

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