Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000 (Images courtesy Microsoft)
By Andrew Liszewski

Microsoft has managed to cram a lot of extra functionality into this Bluetooth mouse, including the ability to control a PowerPoint presentation or a home theater PC, a laser pointer for being ‘that guy’ in the meeting and a usable wireless range of about 30 feet. But I can’t help but feel that after just a few weeks of regular mousing the labels on those buttons on the underside of the mouse are going to get rubbed off, making it a crapshoot when it comes to figuring out which one does what. I mean for $79.95 the least they could have done is etched them into the plastic or something, but maybe I’m putting too much thought into this…

[ Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000 ] VIA [ GadgetGrid ]


  1. Perhaps we should be Microsoft engineers because I had the same idea. Etching it would have been a much smarter idea. Though at least it's not a whole lot of buttons to remember.

  2. I think this is a great idea, I've watched people use regular mouses to do things like this. This product will be so helpful for people that present a lot.

  3. I think this is a great idea, I've watched people use regular mouses to do things like this. This product will be so helpful for people that present a lot.