Like a Game & Watch system come to life, Mario and Luigi can now exist as miniature remote control golfers right on your desk. Each character is controlled with a Famicon styled remote using the A and B buttons to activate their swing. (The other buttons are just for show.) They even come with miniature putting cups and golf balls, which I’m sure will get lost in your drawer in just a couple of hours. But rest assured both Mario and Luigi will probably be just as happy putting M&M’s or Tic-Tacs.
You know, I think if Nintendo knew how popular Mario would have become they probably would have given their future company mascot a cooler job. Like a fighter pilot, secret spy or even tech blogger. Not that there’s anything wrong with plumbing that is. (Which oddly enough I’ve never actually seen him do.)
Mario and Luigi are both available from ThinkGeek for $24.99 each.
[ Mini Golfing Mario & Luigi ] VIA [ GeekAlerts ]