MM Circuit Mini Racer

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MM Circuit Mini Racer From Gakken (Images courtesy Japan Trend Shop)
By Andrew Liszewski

They say there’s different strokes for different folks, and while I’m not sure how much entertainment I’d get from watching a tiny powered car race around the inside of a bowl, I’m sure someone, somewhere would. But I will give props where props are due. The MM Circuit Mini Racer from Gakken comes with an impressively tiny car that’s just 0.98 inches long and weighs only 3 grams. It doesn’t have any steering capabilities, but it will race around the inside of the included plastic bowl (or a bowl of your choosing) thanks to what I assume is a small electric motor inside, and not just a flywheel.

It comes with a charger/launcher that’s powered by 2xAA batteries and a Japanese-only manual, but I’m just not sure if there’s enough novelty here to justify the $53 price tag from the Japan Trend Shop.

[ MM Circuit Mini Racer ]

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