MonoPrice’s Mini Display Port To HDMI Adapter Gets Priced And Dated

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By Andrew Liszewski

Well here’s something I’ve been eagerly awaiting for a few months now. (who doesn’t actually make the cable as far as I know) has revealed that come March 15th they’ll be selling a Mini Display Port to HDMI adapter for the low, low price of just $14.25. Unless you can find 50 or more friends who’d also like one, at which point the price drops to just $12 each. The adapter was originally supposed to be available in January of this year, though it’s pretty obvious that didn’t happen. But it’s better late than never, particularly since it doesn’t seem like Apple will be providing one of their own, and even if they did, the ‘Apple tax’ would put it well above $15.

[ Monoprice – Mini Display Port To HDMI Adapter ] VIA [ Engadget HD ]

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