By Luke Anderson

My mouse doesn’t really do anything more than a standard mouse is supposed to do. Sure, it’s got a couple of extra buttons that come in handy when playing games, or just navigating the web, however, it’s all very basic mouse-like stuff. I’m quite happy with my mouse, as I can think of very few other functions I would like for it to serve. However, it seems that there is a growing need for mice that also happen to be scales.

I can’t imagine what the average person would do with such a scale at their computer, unless maybe they do a lot of shipping, and their items are rather small. I also suppose that if you’re selling drugs, it might be quite useful to have a small, easily-hidden scale at your desk. Whatever it is you happen to need it for, the MSC-500 Mouse Scale can measure in 0.1g, 0.005 oz., 0.005ozt., and 0.1 dwt increments. If this sort of thing is up your alley, it’ll set you back a salty $60.

[ AmericanWeigh ] VIA [ CoolestGadgets ]


  1. Yeah, but how ACCURATE is it in tenth grams? What if I need 0.25 for all those times those pesky people want a twenty? What about the dedicated frugal doper who buys teenths? I need a scale that'll weigh 1.75, man, ACCuratelee.

  2. Well, if I were still raising mice (for show), I'd want a small scale like that to weigh the babies on every day and keep track of their weight. Sorry, that's just me!

  3. Well, if I were still raising mice (for show), I'd want a small scale like that to weigh the babies on every day and keep track of their weight. Sorry, that's just me!

  4. hell its necessary for it to go to hundredths here, dope is sold by the tenth for $50 each, and they're usually .07 or .08 (if not smaller)

  5. hell its necessary for it to go to hundredths here, dope is sold by the tenth for $50 each, and they're usually .07 or .08 (if not smaller)