Move Over Wireframe Lamborghini, You’ve Just Been Trumped By This Wireframe Motorcycle With Sidecar

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Wireframe Chiangjiang 750 Motorcycle (Images courtesy Hell For Leather)
By Andrew Liszewski

And to think, a few months ago I thought this wireframe Lamborghini Koenig Countach was impressive. Well by it’s own right it is, but comparing it to this wireframe Chiangjiang 750 motorcycle, created by artist Shi Jindian, is like comparing computer graphics from the 1980’s to what modern 3D packages are capable of today. It was apparently created in a process where the artist crochets steel wire around an object and then destroys and removes it from the inside, kind of like popping a balloon inside a home-made piñata. Now how he did that with an actual motorcycle is beyond me, but the results are certainly impressive.

[ White Rabbit Gallery – Shi Jindian ] VIA [ Hell For Leather ]

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