MSKYO aka ‘Mama Said Knock You Out’ Speaker Cart

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MSKYO (Image courtesy Claasen & Partner)By Andrew Liszewski

I like this take on the portable ‘boom box’ because at times the neighborhood where I live can be a traffic jam of older ladies pulling these carts full of groceries and small dogs. Not to mention the fact that anyone who carried around a ‘ghetto blaster’ on their shoulder in the 80’s is probably now feeling the effects of all that weight. So pulling a cart like this around is a much easier alternative.

And I think no song is more appropriate to be blasting out of this thing than the Beastie Boys’ Boomin’ Granny. I mean you can just set up a 16mm film camera with a nice fisheye lens on any corner in my ‘hood,’ and the music video will shoot itself.

What I don’t like though is the $3,900 price tag from Claasen & Partner. Imagine paying all that money only to discover there’s not even enough room inside the cart to carry home a bag of cat food.

[ MSKYO – Mama Said Knock You Out ] VIA [ hulger ]

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