Mystery AT-AT Bunkbed

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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The interconnected series of tubes otherwise known as the Internet is a strange place, sometimes. Pictures can pop up that make us drool of envy, even as their origins remains shrouded in mystery. Case in point: the above AT-AT bunk bed. All we have is that picture. A reverse image search reveals an Imgur link with a headline that reads “My uncle built an AT-AT bunk bed for his son. So jealous!” So there you have it. Some uncles are better than others. But knowing the image popped online through an Imgur link doesn’t help. What uncle? Where? How do we contact him so he’ll make us one? Why won’t anyone answer these important questions? That’s what we mean by shrouded in mystery; there’s an uncle somewhere, that somehow built something awesome. We don’t know who or how. But we hate him because he’s not our uncle.

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