Nadia Digital Camera Lacks Live Preview, Instead Provides An Aesthetics Rating Of What You’ve Shot

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NADIA Aesthetics Inference Camera (Images courtesy Andrew Kupresanin)
By Andrew Liszewski

Normally it’s not the camera that makes a good photograph, but the photographer. But the Nadia digital camera, created by Andrew Kupresanin, could turn anyone into an Ansel Adams. Instead of an LCD display showing what you’ve just shot, or even a viewfinder for that matter, the Nadia shows a judgment of the aesthetic qualities of your most recent photo as a percentage. The camera, which is actually a boxed up Nokia N73 communicating with a Mac over Bluetooth, uses the ACQUINE Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine to gauge the merit of your photography. And since Nadia is just a prototype, hopefully future versions will be able to provide real-time feedback so you’ll know the optimal time to snap a photo. Who says the Pulitzer Prize for photography should only be for professionals who know what they’re doing?

[ Andrew Kupresanin – NADIA Aesthetics Inference Camera ] VIA [ ]

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