Native Union Decides The Post-It Note Needs An Upgrade – Introduces The Play

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Native Union Play (Image courtesy Native Union)
By Andrew Liszewski

If you’ve ever felt that scribbling down a quick message for someone on a Post-it note was too cold or impersonal, Native Union’s new high-tech alternative is right up your alley. Instead of leaving just a quick “Call George” you can take advantage of its whopping 256MB of built-in memory and camera to record a video message up to 3 minutes in length. Or, multiple shorter messages. The videos can be ‘enjoyed’ on its 2.4 inch LCD display, and on a set of 3xAAA batteries you should be able to record up to 3 hours of video before it conks out.

Instead of a sticky strip on the back, the Play is magnetic so it can be adhered to fridges, cabinets and far less places than a Post-it note. And since the name of the game is ‘fun’ here, when it’s available in about a month’s time for ~$80 (£49.99) you’ll be able to pick one up in your choice of green, pink, blue, purple, red, white or black.

[ PR – Native Union Play’s around with conversation ] VIA [ Pocket-lint ]

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