Oticon Delta Hearing Aid (Image courtesy Oticon)By Andrew Liszewski

The majority of OhGizmo’s readers consist of those who grew up with personal music devices like the Walkman or the iPod and all those years of wearing headphones with the music blaring are going to catch up with us. Unfortunately for a lot of us this will probably mean having to wear a hearing aid type device at some point in our lives. Thankfully though it seems that companies like Oticon are designing the next generation of hearing aids that are nearly invisible while being worn.

While the Delta series doesn’t look like a traditional hearing aid it can apparently perform just as well, if not better than the larger versions. The aid consists of three parts, a triangular amplifier that sits behind the ear and houses the battery as well as 2 state-of-the-art microphones, a speaker and dome that is placed in the ear canal making it nearly invisible and a thin wire connecting the two components. The Delta weighs less than 2 grams so it’s light and comfortable to wear and even comes in a range of 17 different colors depending on if you want the device to stand out or blend in with your hair or skin.

From what I can tell the Delta hearing aid is currently available but of course you’ll need to see a hearing specialist first. Oticon currently provides a hearing center locater on their website for finding the nearest one where you live.

[ Oticon Delta Hearing Aids ] VIA [ SlashGear ]


  1. This has nothing to do with the hearing aid but I just thought I’d mention I got the Biohazard Watch and iPod Shuffle + Adapter from the sweepstakes!! 😀