Neck Noose Sums Up How A Lot Of People Feel About Neck Ties

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Neck Noose Tie (Images courtesy CYBEROPTIX)
By Andrew Liszewski

Novelty ties were quite popular a few years ago, but the fad seems to have died off save for the occasional clever design that pops up every now and then like the Neck Noose. The tie features a detailed rope print that starts where the tie is knotted and ends with frayed fibers at the bottom, and it’s the perfect way to say ‘I’m only wearing a tie because it’s required of me.’ And as a side rant, at what point in human development did tying a piece of hanging fabric around our necks become an indication of professionalism? I’m convinced the neck tie started out as a sight gag by some long dead fashion designer, and for some reason everyone decided to take it seriously.

The Neck Noose is available from CYBEROPTIX in a 100% silk version for $40 or a microfiber version for $30.

[ Neck Noose Tie ] VIA [ Fashionably Geek ]

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