Need a Tech-Free Weekend? Then Sign Up For a Weekend at Camp Grounded

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


Key Takeaways

Digital Detox

Most people walk around with a gadget in their hands or pressed to their ears these days. People are getting too “social” but in the virtual sense and losing touch with the real world–and with their real friends as a result. If you feel like this is happening to you, then it’s time for an intervention of sorts. You can start with some digital detox at Camp Grounded to wean yourself off from your gadgets or social media addiction.

Of course, you can just pocket the $350 that the three-day camp will cost, but then you might just crack and fail with all the technological temptations surrounding you.

Camp Grounded held their first camp last June, where all slots were sold out. It’s described as a place “where grown-ups go to unplug, getaway [sic] and be kids again.” The camp is held at Camp Navarro in the Redwoods of Northern California and includes activities that you probably enjoyed at camp when you were a kid: sing-along sessions, bonfires, archery, and capture the flag. Other activities like writing sessions and creative workshops were also thrown into the mix.

Camp Grounded is offered by Digital Detox, a company that organizes “off the grind” retreats.

VIA [ Dvice ]

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